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  • jamesbarrow
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  • 13 ต.ค. 2564 05:47
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The 20th century is characterized by a rapid development of science and technologies, particularly in well-developed countries. One of the most significant areas where human knowledge and experience is particularly important is computer technologies, informational technologies, Internet and modern means of communication. In fact the technological achievements in this sphere have changed the contemporary world since nowadays due to the development of high technologies, particularly IT and Internet made geographical borders less significant than ever before.



This technological leap could hardly be possible without such a simple and in the same time sophisticated device as a modem. A modem was absolutely essential for the work of Internet and it still remains quite important for international and interpersonal communication as an effective mean of transition of data.



The role of such an important device needs to be researched and properly evaluated. In order to fulfill this task it is necessary to discuss the history of a modem and its development since the moment of its creation as well as it is necessary to understand the technology applied in a modem and the entity of its functioning and work. All this information is very helpful in understanding perspectives of a modem in the context of recent achievements in technologies and its future.





This is exactly what will be done in terms of this free essay writers essay and it is supposed that the role of a modem will be clearly understood and its development will continue since even nowadays it is obvious that without a modem it is quite difficult to imagine the contemporary world.



The definition of a modem, its types and principles of work



Obviously, it is necessary to start with the understanding of the notion of a modem since in order to understand the role and place of something in history it is necessary to clearly define what it is. In fact, a modem is defined quite precisely and there are practically no discussions as for its definitions. As a rule a modem is defined as “a device for transmitting usually data over telephone wires by modulating the data into an audio signal to send it and demodulating an audio signal into data to receive it”.



However, such a definition may be viewed as too specific and in some situations it cannot be used consequently there should be a more universal definition. The following one may be considered as such: “a modem is a device that modulates a carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information”.



In fact the entity of the notion of a modem may be understood from the name of the device since an acronym for MOdulator-DEModulator and these two words are key words in the definition of the device.



The principle goal of the functioning of a modem is to produce a signal in a coded form, which eventually may be transmitted and decoded to produce the original message. As a rule modems are used in computing, with the help of modems connecting computers, which may be situated even in different parts of the world, occurs. Traditionally, information that is stored in computers is in a digital form, while information transmitted with the help of modems via telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. What modem function is, is to convert between these two forms.





To put it more precisely and more understandable form the example with ordinary personal computers may be used r programming help, when “a modem turns digital 1s and 0s of a personal computer into sounds that can be transmitted over the telephone lines of Plain Old Telephone System (POTS), and once received on the other side, converts those sounds back into 1s and 0s”.



In fact there are different types of modems that are currently used. For instance, practically everybody nowadays may use a modem while surfing Internet. In telecommunications, for instance, a ‘radio modem’ is used, which transmits repeating frames of data at every high data rates over microwave radio links.



Or else, optic modems become more and more popular nowadays and in such type of modems data are transmitted over optic fibers. Currently such modems are used in intercontinental links since they are more effective than traditional ones. Optic modems usually use “interferometric filters called etalons to separate different colors of light, and then individually turns the pulses of each color of light into electronic digital data streams”. These modems are considered to be very fast since their data rates excess of a billion bits per second. However, their bandwidths are limited by the thermal expansion of etalons that leads to the change of their size and consequently frequency.



Anyway nowadays modems are widely spread and are used practically everywhere where they can possibly be used in any means of transmitting analog signals, from driven diodes to radio.




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