Best Remedies For Kidney Pain - Tomatoes and Watermelon Seed Tea

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Natural Remedies For Kidney Pain - Tomatoes and Watermelon Seed Tea

You may have read about celery juice and olive oil as effective  remedies for kidney pain . Tomatoes and Watermelon seed tea are also helpful and should be taken regularly. These natural remedies are easy to remember and can also relieve kidney pain. To make the most of them, try to incorporate them into your daily diet. For more natural remedies for kidney pain, read on! And remember to check out our next article on celery juice!

Celery juice

You may have heard of celery juice as a remedy for kidney pain, but have you tried it? There is a reason that this juice can be effective, and it's not just because it contains a high amount of fiber and water. In fact, the juice is also effective in dissolving kidney stones and helping them pass through the urinary tract. If you're concerned that celery juice is causing your kidney pain, it's best to consult a physician.
Olive oil

Adding lemon juice and olive oil to your daily diet can help dissolve kidney stones. Drinking a half-cup of this mixture a day can help ease the pain of passing kidney stones. Lemon juice contains citrate, which helps break up the stone. Take this solution along with water, but be sure to avoid adding sugar or flavoring. In addition to lemon juice and olive oil, you can also add raw apple cider vinegar to your daily diet to help prevent the formation of new kidney stones.


Tomatoes are a common food that many people eat, but there's some misunderstanding about their use as kidney pain remedies. Many people believe that they cause kidney stones, and this is completely untrue. Instead, they have many health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties, and are highly nutritious. Here's what you need to know. A typical tomato contains around five mg of oxalate per 100 grams, making it safe for kidney stone sufferers to consume them.

Watermelon seed tea

A good diuretic is a key ingredient in watermelon seed tea. For kidney and urinary tract stone patients, watermelon seed tea is an effective remedy. It is best to consume it in small doses a few times a week. Depending on the amount of watermelon seeds you're drinking, you can prepare it with your coffeemaker or infuser. You should prepare the tea fresh for each use, but don't exceed two days' worth of consumption.

Epsom salts

Taking a warm bath with Epsom salts may help ease the pain of kidney stones, but this treatment for kidney pain does not treat the root cause of the problem. While Epsom salts are a detoxifying agent and can help the body relax, they do not relieve the pain permanently. Instead, heat therapy is a better way to reduce kidney pain and break a fever. It can also be helpful to take nonaspirin pain relievers, but you should avoid them if you are pregnant.

Dandelion root tea

The benefits of dandelion root tea for kidney pain are many. This tea is packed with antioxidants and beta-carotene, which protects cells from oxidative stress and cellular damage. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that cause disease and aging. Among its other benefits, dandelion tea has diuretic and antibacterial properties. It can also reduce the duration of an infection.


Traditionally, basil has been used for digestive and inflammatory disorders, including kidney stones. Its diuretic properties make it an effective herb for  treating kidney stones . Basil has an excellent diuretic effect, and the acetic acid it contains helps break up stones and reduce pain. Its leaves can be brewed into tea or added to smoothies, which is an excellent natural treatment for kidney pain. You can also use fresh basil in cooking or brewing your own herbal tea.