Is it profitable to grow mushrooms

  • จิปาถะ อื่นๆ
  • unaflores21
  • 3
  • 21 ธ.ค. 2565 00:11
  • 46.211.157.***

A niche in growing mushrooms is actively studied by entrepreneurs. This is due to the fact that business does not require large costs at the start, and the products have year -round high demand. Despite the obvious relevance of this kind of activity, at present the market can be called low -competitive.

Compared to the cultivation of other plant crops, best mushroom spawn bags breeding does not require the construction of special expensive greenhouses. In addition, the cultivation technology itself is quite simple and can be mastered even by an inexperienced entrepreneur. All this allows you to quickly earn and recoup investments.

Growing mushrooms becomes beneficial for the following reasons:

  • There is no need to ensure expensive care;
  • It is possible to organize a small farm at home;
  • Fast speed of the harvest: from 3 weeks;
  • There is a winter season of “high prices”.

Before organizing a business to grow mushrooms, you should decide on their assortment and species, each of which requires special care.

What mushrooms to choose for growing?

Oyster mushrooms are a very popular and most unpretentious look. It attracts an entrepreneur-novice with her high productivity: from one square meter you can collect up to 14 kg of mushrooms. Moreover, the first collection is possible in a month. Oysteroli are a valuable type containing many nutrients and vitamins. However, in the process of growing, some of its shortcomings are manifested.

Weekly disadvantages:

  • Fragility: this mushroom is difficult to transport over long distances;
  • demands on a special temperature regime and the fastest delivery as possible;
  • unexplored mushroom aroma;
  • Possible allergies to disputes.

Many mushrooms agree that champignons are more difficult to grow than oyster mushrooms. They need a special quality mycelium and a nutrient environment. In addition, mushrooms need special humidity and temperature regime. Champignons grow in racks and boxes. Within a month they reach the necessary growth and after three months they are already harvesting their crop.

The most common for breeding from forest mushrooms is white. This is the most valuable mushroom, which can be grown only when creating the conditions of the natural environment. The germination of this species is possible only in symbiosis with the roots of trees, so the cultivation of white mushroom occurs in groves and coniferous forests.

Cultivation of truffles is super -profile and at the same time super -risk business. They grow under the oaks. The shoots are placed in sterile conditions and then taken to the farm. The mushroom requires a special compost enriched by various elements.

According to entrepreneurs, you should start with the most unpretentious, but from this no less tasty and nutritious mushrooms, - oyster mushrooms. In the future, you can also organize the production of truffles and some types of forest mushrooms.

The target audience

The target audience of this kind of activity becomes both individuals from 30 years old, striving for healthy and diverse diet, as well as large enterprises, suppliers.

Among them:

  • grocery stores and supermarkets;
  • catering enterprises;
  • zoo enterprises;
  • Mushroom companies-optists.
  • Competitive advantages
  • The competitive environment of this direction can currently be defined as low. Nevertheless, the market is developing, and its own advantages should be determined.

They can become:

  • constant support of high quality and freshness of products;
  • uninterrupted delivery of mushrooms;
  • monitoring and implementation of new technologies in production;
  • the use of only trusted mycelium suppliers;
  • the ability to work with both legal entities and individuals;
  • wholesale discounts;
  • Flexible pricing policy.

To minimize losses and the provision of an additional assortment to the buyer, the entrepreneur can open his own line of processing of mushrooms or manufacturing semi -finished products. 


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