Report and presentation for the course work

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  • masonfitzgerald
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  • 22 ส.ค. 2565 00:59
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The defense of a term paper is the final stage of a student's scientific research. For protection, a report is necessarily prepared, read out to the commission, as well as in many cases a presentation for an illustrative display by the inspectors. We will talk about the main aspects of preparing a presentation and a report for a term paper in our short review

Report for the course: how to prepare the correct text

A report is a condensed form of your entire term paper. In other words, here the student emphasizes the main aspects of his research, gives the main examples, summarizes the work done.

Usually the speaker is allocated about 7-8 minutes. You should take this time into account and try to meet it. At the same time, the student should not rush, but clearly and clearly express his thoughts, coherently and logically move from one point to another. After the report, the student should be ready to answer the questions of the commission, for which it is necessary to prepare in advance (understand what will be asked about the term paper).

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To write the correct text of the report, the following criteria must be met:

  • the volume should not exceed 5-6 pages, but also should not be made smaller. In general, it is necessary to calculate so that one minute of reading takes one page of text.
  • at the beginning, the main introductory aspects should be identified: the relevance of the scientific problem under study, then clearly and clearly indicate the problem itself, after which it is necessary to prove to the commission that this problem should be solved
  • after that, the student introduces the object and subject of his research, indicates the main goal of his research work, highlights the main tasks considered in the coursework, put forward independently (or by one of the scientists) hypotheses, notes the main research methods used
  • then you need to talk about the work done, give examples, draw competent and clear conclusions of the study
  • at the end, if possible, indicate the further prospect of studying this issue

Here are the main aspects that every student needs to write a well-structured and successful report for the defense of a term paper.

Presentation for coursework: doing it right

Presentation materials increase a student's chances of getting a good grade. It's modern and visual. Here are some basic tips for preparing a presentation for a coursework defense:

  • It is important to remember that the presentation should be concise and to the point. The optimal number of slides for coursework is up to 10
  • on the first and last (!) slide, you should indicate all the data of the student and supervisor, reflect the topic of work, city and year of defense
  • the structure of the presentation should correspond to the structure of the report: the main issues, objectives of the work, problem solving, main examples, well-drawn conclusions should be reflected
  • use a font size of at least 28 so that the text is readable on the projector screen
  • no continuous text in the presentation, only the most basic, key, highlighted list, table, diagrams, etc. If necessary, you can put a photo (for example, if you are a philologist and explore the work of a writer)

Do not forget that the presentation should not contain any grammatical punctuation errors. It is recommended to practice 1-2 times before protection. This will help you understand how much time you need to present the necessary information and run the presentation in parallel. You should carefully check the entire presentation from slide to slide in advance. If you fulfill all these requirements, an excellent mark on the coursework is provided to you.