Montage of the original in the video.

  • มอไซค์ คาเฟ่
  • helenmartiz
  • 0
  • 06 มิ.ย. 2565 16:36
  • 178.133.248.***

The original on the video is always edited using the rough cut time code. With some imperfect technology, your footage and a paper script with the rough cut time codes can be an invaluable service in selecting frames for the original. At the final edit of the image you should definitely have online transcription services in your hands which tape of the original footage contains the frame with the correct time code. This can be a paper script of the rough cut.

Without such a guide, which is compiled in the course of the rough cut or specially prepared for the clean cut, the specialists will drive you to and you will not waste a lot of extra money. And here comes the long-awaited hour you've been striving for since the birth of the idea - you're in the re-recording room or the final information.

You have a big screen or a big monitor in front of you. Just a moment more and your child will come to life, open its mouth, speak, sing, play and look at you with eyes wide open. Many days and nights you were waiting for this intimate moment. It is as if it is not there yet, it exists virtually, only the first rehearsal of the final recording is going on, and your heart is already beating vigorously with joy - it has come true, it has taken place. YOU are its very first spectator! It's not much time left until the moment when you can say: I did everything I could!

The last thing to do is to "stitch" on the video standard chords for demonstration, and for the film version - to mount the negative, transfer the re-recording (this is the name of the whole mixed phonogram) from magnetic tape to optical tape and print a copy from the mounted negative. As a rule, at this stage comes into work he still has to work in the negative editing room and with a color-tanner.
All you have to do is wait for the copy to come out of the developing machine. The last and biggest event in the technology of creation is to show the finished work to the producer, the company or the client. Both a joyful and a sad moment. You are parted from your creation. You are powerless to change or improve anything.
All that is done - everything is on the screen. If the new masters of virtual technology will assure you that with the advent of the computer in the installation has changed, do not believe them. Technology very creativity remains almost unchanged. Only the technique, the programs technical technology, is changing.

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