Leadership Qualities And Duties Leadership Essay

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Individuals having leadership traits, authority, and the ability to lead, direct, or collaborate with a group of people to achieve a common goal are given the job of leadership. First and foremost, leaders are created rather than born. In this essay, I will present my understanding of leadership as well as generic leadership notions. (Nermeen,2005)

What qualities do I believe contribute to strong leadership, as well as the names of two successful corporate executives and why they are successful? "Leadership is an interactive process in which leaders and followers interact to achieve mutual goals in a complex environment." Wren goes on to say that leadership isn't defined by a position or title, nor by the conduct of a single person. Within a leadership system, leadership is fundamentally defined as an impact relationship between leaders and followers" (Levy,2004). Many people used to assume that leaders were born, not developed, and that those with a royal background were the ones who carried the tradition forward, but as time passes, so does thinking. Leaders are now thought to be created rather than born. The differences, in my opinion, are that earlier you were compelled, expected, or chosen to take on the job, whereas now you must prove yourself, show results, get inspired, and take initiative in order to be a leader. While leadership is acquired, the skills and knowledge that the leader processes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, and character, can be affected. (Susan,n.d) Knowledge and abilities immediately contribute to the process of leadership, whilst the other attributes provide the leader with certain characteristics that distinguish him or her. Although your position as a manager, supervisor, lead, or other similar role grants you the ability to carry out specific responsibilities and objectives inside the business (known as Assigned Leadership), this authority does not make you a leader; rather, it simply makes you the boss (Rowe, 2007). Rather than simply commanding people around, leadership motivates them to attain lofty goals (known as Emergent Leadership) (Rowe, 2007). Essay writing Services of Academic Master is providing help to world wide people in their works for increasing performance.

As a result, your position gives you Assigned Leadership, and you demonstrate Emergent Leadership by inspiring others to do amazing things.

People want to be led by people they admire and who have a strong sense of direction. They must be ethical in order to obtain respect. A compelling vision of the future is used to express a sense of direction. (1968, Micheal). When a person considers whether or not she respects you as a leader, she considers your actions rather than your traits in order to gain a better understanding of who you are. She utilises this observation to determine whether you are a trustworthy and honest leader or a self-serving individual who abuses authority to appear good and gain promotion. Self-serving leaders are ineffective because their subordinates only obey rather than follow them. They achieve success in many areas by projecting a positive image to their superiors at the expense of their employees. This definition has two significant characteristics. First, a tight relationship between the leader and the follower is an important aspect of good leadership, and it often determines the success of the leader's purpose. Unfortunately, there is no clear formula for creating a leader-follower relationship. The connection will not be successful unless both participants are inspired, involved, and encouraged. Leaders, in particular, must make an extra effort to reach out to followers in order to begin and develop this vital partnership for achieving objectives. Leaders confront unique obstacles in communicating with and interacting with their followers and potential followers in order to comprehend and know what they believe and do. As they form relationships with their subordinates, they will gain an advantage by developing their leadership style in response to diversity and ethics. Second, leaders who begin to use force, coercion, and manipulation must eventually use even more force, coercion, and manipulation because their ability to influence – to actually lead – is harmed. I've never seen our CEO utilise force to motivate employees to achieve targets since he wants to be a true leader for a long time. I feel that there are occasions in a team's or organization's life when the formula leader should exercise his or her authority or deal with organisational challenges. Honorable character and unselfish dedication to your organisation are the foundations of excellent leadership. (Bens,2006)

In the view of your employees, leadership is everything you do that has an impact on the organization's goals and their well-being. Respected leaders are focused on. They are [be] what they are (such as beliefs and character). What they are aware of (such as job, tasks, and human nature). What they are up to (such as implementing, motivating, and providing direction). (2008, Bass) What motivates people to follow a leader? People want to be led by people they admire and who have a strong sense of direction. They must be ethical in order to obtain respect. A compelling vision of the future is used to express a sense of direction. Lamb and McKee (2004). Willingness to go above and beyond or walk the additional mile, initiative, or simply putting your heart and soul into something are all elements that contribute to successful leadership. In whatever you do. Leader, follower, communication, and situation are the four variables that must be handled with successfully. Misunderstandings and breakdowns in communication are all too common. Leaders must be honest about who they are, what they know, and what they can do. It's also worth noting that whether or not a leader is successful is determined by the followers, not the leader or anybody else. They will be uninspired if they do not trust or have lost faith in their leader. You must persuade your followers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed in order to be successful. You must know your people, followers! The foundation for success is a thorough understanding of human nature, including wants, emotions, and motivation. You must become familiar with your employees' be, know, and do characteristics. It's a two-way street when it comes to communication. (Hoyle,1995) The majority of it is nonverbal. When you "set the example," for example, you're telling your team that you wouldn't ask them to do something that you wouldn't do yourself. What you communicate and how you communicate can either help or hurt your connection with your staff. Every circumstance is unique. What works in one circumstance may not work in another. To determine the right course of action and leadership style for each situation, you must utilise your judgement (Mischel, 1968).

A good leader is someone like Mahtama Ghandi, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, Donald Trump, or Jaimee Oliver, for example, who does what is right and produces results. These are the people who lead by example; they are the ones who have followers. Mr. Donald Trump is a guy who, according to a TV documentary (personal communications) Ones, I believe is the best businessman ever. Mr. Trump had only a quarter (25c) in his wallet when he called a bank; the bank heard his proposal and approved his very tiny loan; from that loan, he developed his modest idea into a medium-sized one, and from there he continued to expand and flourish, as we all know him. He had a business idea that no one was interested in; he tried a couple of times but failed; nevertheless, because he is a resilient guy, he bounced back and eventually convinced someone that his idea is fantastic. The last quarter, a guy in need, the brain works quicker than ever, a little bit of luck, a lot of self-belief, willingness and initiative, and one very essential item got him where he wanted to go. He had the appropriate individuals or supporters to back him up. He's not a boss, but a leader who has paved the road for several businesses and has also become a celebrity. At this age, he became an executive producer of his own television show, "The Apprentices," and began acting. He is a guy of possibilities, demonstrating that you can achieve anything at any age if you believe in yourself and keep moving forward. To move forward, the most important thing is to acquire knowledge. At all times, a leader should be hungry for knowledge. Studying is another approach to stay current with what's going on. Every day, there is something new to learn, offer, or pass on. Victor, 1978; Victor, 1978; Victor, 1978; Victor, 1978; Victor, 1978; Victor