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You finally got the coveted topic of the thesis. Surely you know the feeling when you immediately start generating ideas in your head about writing a paper. As soon as you see the title of the diploma, you begin to imagine what sections the project will consist of and what its main parts will be called a  https://payforessay.pro/ . Also, you are probably thinking about how you will prepare. But we have to disappoint you. All these thoughts and ideas are only a superficial part of the preparation. In order to fully realize that you have decided to write a dissertation on your own, you will need to go through a lot of difficulties. Possible errors are not excluded. But after all, our site exists for a reason, and we are ready to help you in this difficult task - writing a graduation project.

Today we will focus on the most common mistakes students make. For https://payforessay.pro/capstone-project/  example, imagine the situation that you are walking along the road and there is an open hatch in the most inconspicuous, but passable place. You involuntarily do not notice him and fall. The same thing happens with other pedestrians. This will continue until someone takes the initiative and closes this ill-fated hatch. This analogy is comparable to how students write their diplomas. If there is some weak point in the topic under consideration or in the design, then students will probably stumble on this until our resource comes to their aid.

The most common mistakes in MBA diplomas

Formatting the first paragraph. Strange as it may seem, this is where most of the problems begin. The fact is that the reader's acquaintance with the topic begins with the first paragraph. Have you ever seen a book read from the end the essay format? Of course not. Here is the same situation. The teacher will start reading your work, and already from the first paragraph he will understand whether he needs to continue reading or not. If the work does not interest him, then he will read the second and third paragraphs. Otherwise, the work will be evaluated by the minimum score, or it will have to be completely redone. So how do you write that ill-fated first paragraph to make the reader want to keep reading?

  • Indicate what laid the foundation for reflections and conclusions in the work. As a rule, any scientific work is based on an already established theory. Diplomas for MBA University are no exception. So, in the first paragraph, try to describe the work of the person who gave you the most important thing - the idea.
  • At the second stage, it is important to find out your opinion about the activities of the person who gave you the idea. That is, here you directly indicate what your personal opinion is about the upcoming study.
  • Next, you should explain to the reader why you consider this particular source to be the most reliable and reliable. It is also important not to forget to tell about the method of your research, and why this method was chosen by you.


It is important to pay special attention to the logic of work. Many students who are faced with work of this magnitude for the first time cannot fully understand the logic of the work they have written. They can sit for a whole month in front of blank sheets and not understand the meaning of what is required of them. That is, if a student has a certain thought and he tries in every possible way to develop it, but cannot build a logical chain, that is, all the information that he has begins to resemble just a mess of words. However, the main idea of ??the text is also lost. Such work will not be highly appreciated and teachers will certainly criticize it.

Essay Requirements

An essay on "The Coniferous Forest"

Essay on "The Beginning of Autumn"

Essay on "Learning to Work"

Recommendations for writing an essay in French