• ปัญหาเรื่องรถและการใช้งาน
  • sannygee
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  • 25 ก.พ. 2565 04:34
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Of other kinds of termination without cause.The new company will be responsible for the consequences of such a provision, not the contracting employer, so it is sometimes fairly easy to obtain a provision that in the event of a change in control, the employee will have the right, for example, to terminate the agreement and be paid out the balance of the contract in a lump sum without mitigation.One complex issue connected with changes in control is the following.One way or another, they will get what they want.Termination by the Employee for Good ReasonThere is a developing concept that employees have the right to terminate their own employment when there is good reason to do so.At the same time, it will be harder for the employee to claim termination for good reason.Morals ClausesMost talent contracts include provisions that protect the employer from having to keep an employee whose moral character is embarrassing to the employer.Ordinarily, these provisions speak in terms of being convicted of a felony or some similar criminal act.Some companies, however, have experienced considerable embarrassment by virtue of employees’ behavior that, although not rising to the level of criminal activity, is nevertheless abhorrent to whatever the company stands for or whatever it claims to stand for.Thus arises the general morals clause, which one should be particularly cautious to negotiate carefully.Most people will sign an agreement that permits termination with cause if the employee commits a felony.However, the language of many contracts is so general as to give the employer a right to terminate with cause a contract that otherwise would be solid and free from attack.For example, one of the television networks provides that behavior inimical to the employer may permit the termination of the contract for cause.Those actions that are harmful to their reputation and/or business interests as determined by the employer.So much for the negotiation victory of establishing a definition.A cause for termination that frequently finds its way into boilerplate morals clauses is the word insubordination.What on earth does that mean?When faced with such provisions, the only thing that one can request is an additional provision establishing a right on the part of the employee to have an opportunity to correct any deficiencies based on the severity of the claimed offense.Never was an opportunity to cure more desired, or more warranted.Clearly, from the employee’s perspective, to have to accept a morals clause is a horrendous burden.But provision or no provision, someone who publicly embarrasses his or her employer and, by his or her conduct, jeopardizes the business relationships and business reputation of the employer, will be fired.Should the employer pay lots of money to make the miscreant leave if the contract does not provide for a breach of morals to entitle the company to fire the employee with cause?In order of disgust, it begins not with murder, but child molestation.Lawyers have to come up with language to cover these idiosyncratic distinctions.Our heroic Jack Bauer, Keifer Sutherland, spends a few nights in jail for behavioral excesses resulting from too much alcohol, but this hasn’t impeded him from obtaining greater and more lucrative roles in television and film.In England, the rate approaches 40%.Accordingly, in addition to making sure that you have sufficient medical insurance and car allowance, you must take into account the taxability of these perquisites, and others.Less specifically, but all too importantly, you had better know what your employer’s expectations are.Too often these are unstated, but nevertheless very real.In initial negotiations, the company’s thoughts as well as those of the employee, the employee’s family, and regrettably, often the employee’s attorney’s as well, are, quite naturally, focused only on the future placement of the employee.A favorable provision will provide that, whether the contract is terminated for cause or without cause, the employer must return the employee and the employee’s family and belongings to the place of origin.Sometimes the provision stipulates that, provided the contract runs out its entire term, the employer must return the employee to wherever he or she wants to go in the world.In addition to moving and relocation expenses, there are many costs involved that the relocating employee may have to assume if the employer is not asked to assume them.For example, if the employee has committed to rent a summer house or has paid a deposit on private school fees prior to the time he or she is asked to relocate, the company should be expected to reimburse the employee for such costs.Sometimes these visas are obtained by employees’ own service corporations and they need to maintain [url=https://invertnet.org/members/11447/