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The essay is a vast and varied category that has no fixed formulas for structure and writing. Still, there are some vital aspects to keep in mind, and here we will look closer at them.

The essay is a literary genre with an acceptable present since many of the best-selling "non-fiction" books are actually essays, even if they are not presented as such. In fact, the essay is a relatively flexible genre, which means that when faced with the question of how to write an essay, we cannot give closed instructions, although we can give some guidelines.

An essay is often defined as "prose piece of writing in which an author develops their ideas on a given topic with a personal character and style."

It is precisely this personal style that is one of the keys to the essay. Therefore, the world of possibilities is vast, always focused on your way of seeing a specific topic, your thoughts, and your way of reflecting them in your writing.

Main characteristics of the essay
While writing your essay, no matter what topic it may belong to, you need to keep in mind some of its fundamental characteristics. Keep them in mind, and you will write your texts even better than any essay writer service.

1. The topicality of the subject is essential. It can be a topical issue or a matter of general interest to which the author adds a new perspective.

2. No pretension of exhaustiveness. To write an essay, it is not necessary to touch on all points of view or all the elements of the subject to be dealt with; a concrete and partial vision are enough.

3. Lack of a rigid structure. It is related to how the author's thoughts flow, and it does not have to have a specific order.

4. Inaccuracy of quotations. In academic work, citations should appear in a normative way, responding to a bibliography. In the essay, although there may be a need for ethical reasons, there is no rigidity in this respect.

5. Subjectivity. This is the characteristic that marks the genre. The individual reflects on reality, introduces his or her thoughts, ideology, and way of seeing the world. We could say that it is an exercise in confession.

6. Dialogical character. The author informally engages in a dialogue with the reader, and the essayist depends mainly on the receiver. The essay must provoke a reaction in the people who read it, either by inciting them to think or by showing their agreement or disagreement.

7. Suggestive intent. Scientific treatises seek to prove facts. In the case of essays, the aim is to suggest and project reflections to guide the recipient's thinking.

8. Frequent everyday nature of the subjects dealt with. The essay's subject must be close to the reader, to the society in which he or she lives. More than the uniqueness of the subject treated, it offers a singular view of that subject.

9. Style. The aesthetic concern is present in the essay. The writing must be pleasant, suggestive, and elegant. The use of rhetorical resources is frequent, which is why it is inserted in the literary plane.

The use of prose, freedom of tone, thematic variety, relative brevity, originality in the points of view, and critical spirit are other characteristics that you should keep in mind if you consider writing an essay.

Types of essays
When it comes to classifying essays, it is usually based on the subject matter of the work. We can find literary, historical, political, philosophical, autobiographical, sociological, and almost any other type of essay.

How to write an essay
To write an essay, of course, you have to read other essays to get to know the different styles and to be able to differentiate a good one from a bad one. From there, the main thing is to find a topic. From that topic, you will have to propose a series of ideas around that subject and set out a thesis that will be the main thread of your essay. You must break it down with respect to the ideas listed, trying to be original in your personal opinions. You should be fearless in launching your theories and writing them down. You will have to give it an attractive and, if possible, provocative title without forgetting an introduction that engages the reader and a conclusion that endorses your thoughts and puts the icing on the cake of your thesis.